Jessica Wawrzyniak

Jessica Wawrzyniak, educational and media scientist, is Digitalcourage’s media educator. She is the author of the book #kids #digital #genial (translated title: kids digital ingenious), leads the working group on pedagogy and strives to enable children and young people to deal with technology and media in a mature manner. She is a regular guest author for the BigBrotherAwards.

Position / Organisation

About BigBrotherAwards

In a compelling, entertaining and accessible format, we present these negative awards to companies, organisations, and politicians. The BigBrotherAwards highlight privacy and data protection offenders in business and politics, or as the French paper Le Monde once put it, they are the “Oscars for data leeches”.

Organised by (among others):

BigBrother Awards International (Logo)

BigBrotherAwards International

The BigBrotherAwards are an international project: Questionable practices have been decorated with these awards in 19 countries so far.