Big Otto is watching you!
Impressive: Former Interior Minister Otto Schily collects his second BigBrotherAward. After honoring him in the “Politics” category in 2001, the jury now awards his “Lifetime Achievement“. Proof that perseverance will pay off in the end, but also a clear sign that our work is very much needed. Other awards go to the government of Lower Saxony, the organising committee for the football world cup (represented by Franz Beckenbauer), and numerous judges and organisations that further video surveillance.
The (unfortunate) Awardees
Otto Schily
Saatgut Treuhand Verwaltung
Government of Lower Saxony
High Office of Public Prosecution SH
Video surveillance
FIFA World Cup 2006
Volker Bouffier
Dr. Rolf Gössner
Rena Tangens
Werner Hülsmann
Alvar Freude
Karin Schuler
Dr. Fredrik Roggan

Moderator Andreas Liebold und Rena Tangens

Laudator Alvar Freude

Laudator Fredrik Roggan

Laudator Fredrik Roggan

Laudator padeluun

Laudatorin Karin Schuler

Laudator Werner Hülsmann

Moderator Andres Liebold

Laudator padeluun

Laudatorin Rena Tangens