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"Google ist watching".
Global Data Acquisition (2013)


The BigBrotherAward 2013 in the Category „Global Data Acquisition“ goes to Google Inc., Mountain View, USA. Under the guise of a search engine and other free-of-charge services, such as Maps, Docs and YouTube, the advertising company Google collects real-time data about everything and everyone, wherever they go, and classifies people for its own profit. Google disregards European law and uses its monopoly to advance the technocratic ideology of an all-knowing supercomputer, which has a better idea of what people want than the people themselves.

Eine Zoomkonferenz in der ganz viele Zombies abhängen.

Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

The BigBrotherAward in the Communications category goes to Zoom Video Communications, Inc., which as a US-based company is obliged to share data with intelligence services, but still claims to be in compliance with the GDPR. Since a relevant part of its development takes place in China, Zoom is also subject to Chinese control and censorship. The award also goes to all organisations, in particular those working on human rights, the environment and the climate crisis, who use Zoom and therefore expose their participants to surveilance, even though free and privacy-friendly alternatives are available.

Ein Gehirn mit einem Stirnband aus Plastik. Davor die Logos von BrainCo und des Leibniz Wissenschaftscampus.
Education (2020)

BrainCo company and Leibniz Science Campus Tübingen

The company BrainCo receives the BBA in the “Education” category for its EEG headbands, which can allegedly measure students’ attention by their brain activity. The attention level is signalled by an LED on the headband and radioed to the teacher’s computer. In the US and China this technology is already used in classrooms. The second awardee is the Leibniz Science Campus Tübingen, which is trialling similar headbands in Germany, combined with eye tracking. That is dressage rather than education.

Das Bitkom-Logo vor dem Hintergrund einer Feier, im Fokus ein gehobenes Glas. Darunter der text: „Penetrante Lobby gegen Datenschutz“.
Economy (2017)

IT business association Bitkom

The German IT business association Bitkom receives the BigBrotherAward 2017 in the “Business” category for their uncritical promotion of big data, for obtrusively lobbying against data protection, and for being a front organisation for big US companies, who call the shots within Bitkom.

Rena Tangens am Redner.innenpult. Links daneben die Datenkrake.

Success Story

Since the year 2000, Digitalcourage organises the German BigBrotherAwards

Detailaufnahme der BigBrotherAwards-Statue vor dunkelblauem Hintergrund.
What are the BigBrotherAwards?

About us

A society free of surveillance Since the year 2000, the German BigBrotherAwards are presented to companies, institutions and persons who act in a prominent and sustained way to invade people's privacy, sell personal data or use it in ways that violate the original limitation of purpose. The BigBrotherAwards are an international project. In 19 countries so far, these awards have highlighted schemings that threaten people and democracy. The German BigBrotherAwards are organised by Digitalcourage. Exposing data leeches in public The BigBrotherAwards put the enemies of privacy where they don’t…


ArchivHier finden Sie eine chronologische Auflistung der deutschen BigBrotherAwards der vergangenen Jahre mit allen vergebenen Auszeichnungen in den verschiedenen Kategorien. In den meisten Browsern können Sie mit der Tastenkombination Strg+F einen Suchdialog aufrufen.2014 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 20072006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2014Politik: Das Bundeskanzleramt Der BigBrotherAward 2014 in der Kategorie Politik geht an das Bundeskanzleramt für geheimdienstliche Verstrickungen in den NSA-Überwachungsskandal sowie unterlassene Abwehr- und Schutzmaßnahmen. Dem Bundeskanzleramt obliegen die…

About BigBrotherAwards

In a compelling, entertaining and accessible format, we present these negative awards to companies, organisations, and politicians. The BigBrotherAwards highlight privacy and data protection offenders in business and politics, or as the French paper Le Monde once put it, they are the “Oscars for data leeches”.

Organised by (among others):

BigBrother Awards International (Logo)

BigBrotherAwards International

The BigBrotherAwards are an international project: Questionable practices have been decorated with these awards in 19 countries so far.