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Eine Uhr und Amazon Alexa auf einer gräulichen Oberfläche, darüber der Text: „Das Lauschangriffdöschen für zu Hause“.
Consumer Protection (2018)

Amazon Alexa

Amazon receives the BigBrotherAward 2018 in the “Consumer Protection” category for its nosy, impertinent, all-too clever and gossipy bugging operation in a can by the name of Alexa. It is well known that Alexa’s speech recordings are processed in the Cloud. What is award-worthy is the fact that these recordings are also stored in the Cloud and that they can be played back even months later. That makes it possible to monitor everyone present in the home, and it is unclear who else is given access to the recordings.

Detailaufnahme einer Gesundheitskarte, die zum Teil aus einer Geldbörse guckt.
Consumer Protection (2015)

Federal Ministry of Health

The Federal Ministry of Health, represented by the current minister of Health, Hermann Gröhe, receives the BigBrotherAward 2015 in the “Consumer Protection” category. With its “e‑health” projects, the ministry has severely threatened and jolted patient–physician confidentiality. At the same time, billions of Euros are being redistributed from the health sector into the pockets of listed corporations. It is not patients but the financial sector that is getting healed. The electronic health card, which received a BigBrotherAward in 2004, was only a part of this scheme.


ArchivHier finden Sie eine chronologische Auflistung der deutschen BigBrotherAwards der vergangenen Jahre mit allen vergebenen Auszeichnungen in den verschiedenen Kategorien. In den meisten Browsern können Sie mit der Tastenkombination Strg+F einen Suchdialog aufrufen.2014 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 20072006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2014Politik: Das Bundeskanzleramt Der BigBrotherAward 2014 in der Kategorie Politik geht an das Bundeskanzleramt für geheimdienstliche Verstrickungen in den NSA-Überwachungsskandal sowie unterlassene Abwehr- und Schutzmaßnahmen. Dem Bundeskanzleramt obliegen die…

Screenshot der Website von "Finfisher".
Technology (2012)

Gamma International

The BigBrotherAward in the category “Technology” goes to Gamma Group, represented in Germany by Gamma International in Munich, personally by its general manager Stephan Oelkers, for their software “FinFisher”. Gamma advertises the ability of its product to exploit security vulnerabilities in iTunes and Skype to plant spyware on the target system, for example by using fake software updates. It also markets the ability of its software “FinSpy Mobile” to remotely access Blackberry personal mobile devices. Gamma software products are being sold to domestic and foreing state agencies. Among other locations it was found during the storming of the headquarters of the Egyptian secret service in Cairo by civil rights activists.

Ein erhobener Zeigefinger in schwarz-weiß.
Reprimands & Commendation (2008)

Trends, Notes of Disapproval, In Retrospect

Trends Companies allow themselves generous conditions for sharing data Alvar Freude Many companies trading on the internet are including vague or very wide-ranging statements in the privacy sections of their terms and conditions. Apple, for instance, stipulate the permission to pass on customer details “in case this should be necessary for national security, the legal process or other public interests”. If any data should then be transferred, Apple won’t have to worry: Some “public interest” can surely be found! We can only hope that this trend is not going to spread. ID cards copied for any…

Information about the BigBrotherAwards Stream

The BigBrotherAwards are broadcast live on the Internet. The broadcast begins and ends with the awards gala. We use this occasion to make a small statement against software patents by streaming in the free "Theora" video format (, which is transported via OGG like the now popular "Vorbis" audio format.The inline frame in our streaming page tries to choose a working format for the largest possible selection of browsers. The Ogg/Theora stream data is either embedded into a HTML 5 document using the browsers’ own player, or into a page with a Java player applet, or the…

Ein alter Fernseher mit weißem Rauschen.
Reprimands & Commendation (2006)

A short retrospective ...

About Big Brother on German highways, a fee for computers with access to the internet, a radio or a TV card, RFID politics in Europe, and how that's related to the German BigBrotherAwards.

Karl Lauterach mit einem Mikrofon.

Federal Minister for Health, Karl Lauterbach

The BigBrotherAward 2024 in the category “Health” goes to the Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach for the European Health Data Space, EHDS for short, for which he shares responsibility, as well as for its implementation into national law, the Law for the Use of Health Data. These two laws permit the processing of all of our most sensitive health data, such as visits to the general practitioner or hospital treatments, following mostly unspecified procedures and without the necessary precautions.


Government Authorities & Administration: Monika Harms

The BigBrotherAward in the “Government and Administration” category goes to Germany’s Federal Prosecutor (Generalbundesanwältin), Monika Harms. She receives the BigBrotherAward for her anti-terror measures against opponents of the G8 summit in May this year, particularly for systematic postal surveillance in Hamburg and for her instructions to collect and preserve body scent samples from G8 opponents suspected of militancy.

Ein erhobener Zeigefinger in schwarz-weiß.

Notes of Disapproval

Not all nominees for the Big Brother Award have made it. Several times, the jury had great difficulty not to sanction a violation of data protection with one of our unwanted prizes. But data leeches who think they might run off unharmed only because we hand out too few main prizes are harbouring a false sense of security. Because there still are our notes of disapproval.

Logo des „Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung“. Rechts daneben ein Werbeplakat der Bundeswehr mit der Aufschrift: „Deutschlands Freiheit wird auch im Cyberraum verteidigt.“ Freiheit wurde händisch mit rot durchgestrichen und Militarisierung dazu geschrieben.
Authorities & Administration (2017)

German Federal Military and Federal Minister of Defence, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen

The German Federal Military (“Bundeswehr”) and the Federal Minister of Defence receive the 2017 Big Brother Award in the category Authorities and Administration for the military’s massive digital arms build-up including the new “Commando Cyberspace and Information Space” (“Kommando Cyber- und Informationsraum”, KdoCIR). This digital combat unit with a planned strength of 14,000 personnel is to prepare the German military for cyber warfare – including military cyber attacks on other countries’ IT systems and critical infrastructure. This militarisation of the Internet means the Federal Republic will take part in the global cyber arms race – without parliamentary control, without democratic oversight and without legal basis.

Grafik: Eine Person sitzt an einem Schreibtisch. Auf dem Schreibtisch stehen mehrere Monitore. Dahinter die Logos der CDU und B'90/DieGrünen.
Politics (2018)

Parliamentary groups of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Greens in Hesse

The parliamentary groups for the Christian-Democratic and the Green parties in the state parliament of Hesse receive the BigBrotherAward 2018 in the Politics category for their plans for a new domestic intelligence law. The draft by the “black-green coalition” contains an accumulation of grave surveillance powers that facilitate severe interferences with fundamental rights: So-called state trojans are to be used to secretly infect and investigate “suspect” computers, employees of projects to further democratic society are to be screened by intelligence agencies and, in a legal novelty, criminal undercover agents are to be exempted from persecution. All in all, this is a severe attack on democracy, on the rule of law, and on fundamental rights.

About BigBrotherAwards

In a compelling, entertaining and accessible format, we present these negative awards to companies, organisations, and politicians. The BigBrotherAwards highlight privacy and data protection offenders in business and politics, or as the French paper Le Monde once put it, they are the “Oscars for data leeches”.

Organised by (among others):

BigBrother Awards International (Logo)

BigBrotherAwards International

The BigBrotherAwards are an international project: Questionable practices have been decorated with these awards in 19 countries so far.