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 Logo von ChatGPT mit dem HAL-9000-Auge in der Mitte.


The Big Brother Award 2023 in the category "Lifetime Achievement" goes to Microsoft, because with their market dominance, the company forces people, companies and government agencies to continually transmit data, and therefore to allow themselves to be spied upon, as a regular part of their digital activities. With this award, Microsoft has been honoured in the Lifetime category twice (the first time was in 2002).

Logo von Windows 10 auf grauem Grund. Darunter der Text: „will nach Hause telefonieren".
Technology (2018)

Microsoft Germany

Microsoft Germany, represented by Sabine Bendiek, Chairwoman of the Management Board, receives the BigBrotherAward 2018 in the Technology category for implanting telemetry (i.e. the transmission of diagnostic data) in Windows 10 that is almost impossible to deactivate. Even skilled users will hardly be able to stop this data from being transmitted.

Montage: Grafik zwei Palmen in einer realen Seenlandschaft.
Lifetime Achievement (2022)

Irish Data Protection Commission

The BigBrotherAward 2022 in the category “Lifetime Achievement” goes to the Irish Data Protection Commission, represented by Helen Dixon, for its continued sabotage of efforts to enforce European data protection law. Under the authority’s care, Ireland has become a haven for surveillance capitalism business models by Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce.

Logo von IBM (hellblau) an einen Vorhang (dunkelblau) gestrahlt.
Workplace (2016)

IBM Germany

IBM Germany receives the BigBrotherAward 2016 in the “Workplace” Category for the software “Social Dashboard”, which allows companies to control and evaluate their employees' social behaviour. “Social Dashboard” uses metadata from the in-house social network system “Connections” and creates a score and a “social ranking” for likes and shares. It is an attempt at leaving the evaluation of social interactions to a machine. It will create wrong incentives and more pressure at work.

Die Bühne der BBAs 2002 mit der Statue und dem BBA-Schriftzug.


The 3rd BigBrotherAwards were presented in Bielefeld on October 25, 2002.
Eine Uhr und Amazon Alexa auf einer gräulichen Oberfläche, darüber der Text: „Das Lauschangriffdöschen für zu Hause“.
Consumer Protection (2018)

Amazon Alexa

Amazon receives the BigBrotherAward 2018 in the “Consumer Protection” category for its nosy, impertinent, all-too clever and gossipy bugging operation in a can by the name of Alexa. It is well known that Alexa’s speech recordings are processed in the Cloud. What is award-worthy is the fact that these recordings are also stored in the Cloud and that they can be played back even months later. That makes it possible to monitor everyone present in the home, and it is unclear who else is given access to the recordings.

Im Vordergrund das Wort „Smart Cities“ gefüllt mit Binärcode bzw. sehen die Buchstaben teilweise wie Kameras und Personen aus. Im Hintergrund die Skyline einer Großstadt.
PR & Marketing (2018)

Idea of a “Smart City”

The BigBrotherAward 2018 in the “PR and Marketing” Category goes to the idea of a “Smart City”. The advertising concept of a “Smart City” is used by tech companies to try to sell the idea of a “safe city” to municipal administrations: A city, covered in sensors, under total surveillance, remote-controlled and commercialised. “Smart Cities” reduce their citizens to mere consumers, change consumers into data sources and our democracy into a privatised service.

Logo der Euopäischen Kommission. Im Hintergrund eine Detailaufnahme eines Auspuffs, aus dem Abgase kommen.
Mobility (2021)

The European Commission

The BigBrotherAward 2021 in the category “Mobility” goes to the European Commission for the introduction of the “On-Board Fuel Consumption Meter” (OBFCM). The OBFCM collects an extensive amount of technical information about a vehicle and transmits it to the manufacturer along with the vehicle identification number. The OBFCM is mandatory for all new cars as of 1 Jan 2021.

Eine Säule eingekleidet mit BBA-Geschenkpapier.


The 23rd German BigBrotherAwards were celebrated on 28 April 2023 at the Hechelei in Bielefeld. Recordings in German and English can be found here.

Eine schwarze Datenkrake mit der Aufschrift "". In den Tentakeln hält sie diverse Logos sozialer Medien (Facebook, Twitter, E-Mail). Im Hintergrund blauer Binärcode.
Economy (2016)

US company and campaign platform receives the BigBrotherAward 2016 in the Economy category for its business model of marketing personally identifiable information of signatories together with their political statements. appears to be an progressive and social project, but it really is a for-profit US corporation which shows many deficiencies with respect to data protection law. For example, it continues to store user data in the USA although the Court of Justice of the European Union has declared the “Safe Harbor” Framework invalid.

About BigBrotherAwards

In a compelling, entertaining and accessible format, we present these negative awards to companies, organisations, and politicians. The BigBrotherAwards highlight privacy and data protection offenders in business and politics, or as the French paper Le Monde once put it, they are the “Oscars for data leeches”.

Organised by (among others):

BigBrother Awards International (Logo)

BigBrotherAwards International

The BigBrotherAwards are an international project: Questionable practices have been decorated with these awards in 19 countries so far.